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Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (3).png

Companies and Industries

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

In Offices

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (10).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

The circuits can be installed in administrative offices of any company and industry, instead of food, emphasis would be placed on landscaping and gardens, to avoid flooding and water shortages, for ornamental purposes, outdoors and indoors._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

In addition to embellishing, they will treat wastewater and improve the thermal comfort of the facilities.


Gardens in work spaces are extremely important, the most prominent reasons are: they improve productivity by at least 15% according to a study by Cardiff University. They improve the corporate image, retain talent in a pleasant environment that increases emotional well-being, reduce noise, acting as an acoustic barrier, contribute to cleaner air by trapping air pollution, and help the environment, with the circuits the building will be neutral carbon, with self-consumption of water and energy and the possibility of selling surpluses.


Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

In Productive Processes

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Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

The WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS can be adapted to any production process in any industry, if it is not a food industry, this circuit can be replaced by gardens.


The main production costs of energy from hydrocarbons will disappear from accounts payable, the electricity supply will be from the combination of viable renewable energies according to the geographical area, land and facilities, stored in water batteries in pipes and artificial waterfalls. . The savings derived from the self-consumption of water and energy will make it possible to invest in more efficient technologies for production and, in addition to being carbon neutral, it will no longer contaminate water sources or soils. Advice will be given so that it works as a biofactory, that is, without contamination or waste, everything is reused in the production process or sold.


By way of example, in the mining industry the installation of circuits can be applied to transform abandoned mines into water batteries. The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Switzerland estimates that converting abandoned coal mines around the world into gravity batteries would cover the planet's energy demand.


Custom designs would be made to optimize the processes of the circuits so that they are sufficient for self-consumption and sale of surpluses.

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (3).png

By geographical area, so that you are a manufacturer and dealer exclusively in your region, you have profits, your customers earn a better life and the planet is preserved.

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