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Fondo circuito pp.png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (3).png

Real Estate Projects

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Home Building

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Erradicación del Hambre y la Pobreza (7).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Homes with Circuits Installed

The owner of the license can offer the construction of the house and the installation of the WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS, as an integral part of the infrastructure. We have very innovative housing options, to recommend providers that build them and/or provide training for their construction with strategic agreements. From buildable wooden houses, houses in recycled shipping containers or dome houses resistant to natural disasters.

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Green Urbanizations

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Erradicación del Hambre y la Pobreza (8).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Housing Complex With its Urban Home

The owner of the license in his geographical area can offer the construction of green urbanizations, where each house has an Urban Home WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (Large or Medium) or the circuits integrated into its infrastructure and available in various public areas renewable energies, and allow the sale of surplus energy and water from households to the public network.

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png
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Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (15).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Housing Complex for Social and Economic Integration 

A WATER-ENERGY-FOOD Circuits would be installed in each housing in the urbanization, with the capacity to produce other certain products to market them, each group of houses will produce what is necessary in the sustainable food production chain, for their economic integration, accompanied of urban planning for the generation of more local jobs, recycling sanitary services, health care clinics, recreational parks, schools, local markets for the sale of organic food and restaurants.

Erradicación del Hambre y la Pobreza (9).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (3).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Urban Landscape

Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png
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Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (16).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Gardens in the House

In the installation of the Urban Home circuits, green roofs, vertical gardens, gardens with rainwater absorption for storage as drinking water are contemplated. Set of ornamental vegetation for the phytoremediation of water, mini waterfalls for the oxygenation of lagoons and artificial rivers that are built on the land of the house or that are naturally found in the place, with aquatic plants and vegetation on its edges to maintain purity of the water.

In other words, the gardens will fulfill ornamental functions, thermal comfort, energy saving, phytoremediation for wastewater treatment, recovery and maintenance of water sources, rainwater collection on roofs and floors to avoid flooding and its correct underground storage to avoid shortages. of water in periods of drought.

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Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (18).png
Copia de Propuesta de Negocios WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS (4).png

Gardens in Public Areas 

The green areas of the urbanization would be phytoremediation systems for the treatment of wastewater from residences, or for the decontamination of nearby water sources, with rainwater collection systems, water infrastructure to generate and store more renewable energy, to prevent flooding and shortage. Depending on the volume of water available, larger hydroelectric plants may be installed to provide water and electricity to public areas and other infrastructure.

Urban Design

The circuits can be adapted to the public areas of urbanizations, public transport, parks or for all public areas of a town, municipality or region.

Propuesta para Refugios en Ucrania (2).png

Rent the User License Now!

By geographical area, so that you are a manufacturer and dealer exclusively in your region, you have profits, your customers earn a better life and the planet is preserved.

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